Vorboten / Harbingers

Es war eine weitere Woche zum Weglaufen – aber heute noch ein schneller Beitrag bei Sparkles Christmas Challenge. Diesen Monat kann man machen, was man will – nur keine Karte.

It was another week I’d rather erase from memory – but let me show you my entry over at Sparkles Christmas Challenge which this month is „Anything but a card.“


Ich habe angefangen an meiner Adventsaktion 2013 zugunsten des Elisabeth Hospiz in Lohmar zu arbeiten. Einiges steht noch aus, aber der Prototyp ist fertig.

I have started work on this year’s fundraiser for the Elisabeth hospice in Lohmar. There’s a lot left to be done but my prototype is ready.


Füllung könnte sein… Tee… Pralinen… Plätzchen… Und weil es morgen ganz früh nach Rügen geht, verabschiede ich mich auch schon wieder!! Schönes Wochenende!

They could be filled with… tea… chocolates… cookies… As I’ll be off to (the island of) Rügen tomorrow morning before the crack of dawn, I have to go!! Have a nice weekend!


5 Kommentare zu “Vorboten / Harbingers

  1. Oh wow so cute and thank you for sharing this and entering our challenge at Sparkles Christmas Challenge „anything but a card“ good luck and hope to see you again next time Dt Member Sandra H xx


  2. Barbara-I LOVE these bags-what a fabulous design you came up with,and for such a good cause too xx
    Sorry you have had a horrid week-I hope the coming one will be very much better,have a good trip(I am off now to Google Rügen,as I have never heard of it 😉
    Hugs,Nessa xxxx


  3. Beatiful little bags Barbara, the little moose is just so sweet. I really hope they cheered up your week making them. THanks so much for playing along at Sparkles Christmas Challenges this time, hope to see you again.

    Brenda DT


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